It is a roller hockey oriented project that aims at creating a positive context for youth growth and talent development. It is implemented by a group of stakeholders (Clubs and Federations) that allow exchanges and peer review, exploiting the experiences gained by them. It facilitates a learning community in which Clubs learn to form the Federations and Federations capture Clubs needs to canalise them and give solutions.
TALENT: meaning of partecipating in an European Project
Opportunity: we are going to carry out activities that we rarely do without extraordinary resources.
Responsibility: we are managing public resources!
Prestige: we are proud to be involved in an international community
Europe: possibility to get closer to Europe!
It is a technical cooperation project among five European countries along which coaches, athletes and personnel from participating partners exchange knowledge and experiences.
The method is based in the exchange of information and good practice, effective peer-‐learning, networking among Partners’ internal staff and identification of successful approaches.
The project aims at putting international efforts (by the participating clubs) to provide opportunities for youth to enhance their interests, skills, and abilities by reinforcing sport participation and by creating a supportive environment to achieve this. Technical + motivations contents!